Friday, February 1, 2013

Run Ranger Run

I'm not sure why I just don't sign up for stuff every month.  It keeps me moving.  I'd say the that investing $300 to $400 in race fees is money well spent if it keeps me running hard.

Take today for example.  I came home from work, then met up with the wife and kids and another family for dinner at an Indian-Chinese restaurant.  The food was great.  And heavy.  And then we took the kids out for ice cream.  I passed on the treats, but the damage was already done.

We returned home around 9pm.  Was I going to run now?  Normally I'd say "hell no!" but I joined a charity effort for February 2013 called "Run Ranger Run" sponsored by GallantFew.  A team of 10 runs, walks or bikes 565 miles total in February to raise money for veterans needs/issues.  I went to the Facebook event page and one guy logged 10 miles today.  Doh!  Another did 6 miles.  And so on it went.

That was enough motivation to get me to the basement for 2.4 miles in a cold, dark space on a nice 2% incline.  And I feel wimpy about it.

I'm going to try to go out and log my first outdoor miles tomorrow.  It's amazing what you can do with goals and a little mental toughness.