Saturday, September 13, 2014

Let's try this again… Falling off the wagon… Getting back on

It's been a tough 12 months.  It was around this time last year that I began to slack with my diet and workouts, and it has had a noticeable impact on my physical and mental well-being.

Today I am 45 years old, and I am still trying to stay in shape.  That I am still trying is a positive sign.  I've fallen off the fitness and healthy living wagon (again), but I'm going to climb back on today.

Up to now this blog has been about me chronicling my efforts to keep myself motivated.  I am going to try to use this blog going forward to educate myself on fitness and healthy living issues that impact men over 40.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Never, never, never, backslide! It sucks!

I let myself get lazy last year, and now I'm paying for it.

I didn't run very much.  I got lazy with my diet.  I got away from the "food is fuel" mantra.

Now I'm trying to get back in shape and it is depressing.  At this time in 2010 I was really getting into shape.  Now, 4 years later, I'm struggling.

To make matters worse, a few months ago I twisted my right ankle.  It's been on-and-off achy every since.  I was able to get it healed to the point where I could run on the treadmill again.  Back in March I was at the Grand Canyon and was jogging along some trails.  I didn't injure it per se, but the achy feeling return soon thereafter.  It subsided a bit, and then on Sunday I went out for a 3 mile run (only my second time out this year and the longest of the year).  It felt great, but on Monday the ankle start aching, and it's been pretty bad every since.

I joined a local gym (Planet Fitness).  I'm trying to lift weights while the ankle gets better.  I'm feeling very impatient though.  Recovering from workouts takes longer, and I have less time to spend at the gym when I do work out.