Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Great Memorial Day Weekend for Fitness!

Last weekend was Memorial Day Weekend and it was a great time for fitness!

I ran in 2 5K runs, one on Saturday and the other on Monday.  In between, on Sunday, I went out for a 60 minute run outside.  It is great to finally be at a  point where I can actually get out and run regularly!

The Saturday run was "Miles for the Military".  It was a charity run for "Heart of a Veteran Foundation" and was sponsored by the South Barrington Park District and the Arboretum of South Barrington.  I completed the race in 31 minutes 55 seconds.  That was a 4 second improvement for the Bright Hope 5K just a week or two earlier!

On Sunday I ran the 33rd Annual Elgin Valley Fox Trot 5K.  I ran with one of my nephews.  I ran very slow.  My time was 35 minutes.  I don't think I ran hard enough.  There was too much gas left in the tank afterwards (also, I ran about 5 miles on Sunday and I'm sure I was a bit more tired than I would have liked).

There was a lot of eating over the Memorial Day Weekend but thanks to the increased physical activity I was able to keep the weight steady through the weekend!

Oh, and speaking of weight, I'm at 218 lbs as of today (6/5/10).  When I started working out at the end of January 2010 I was at 245 to 250 lbs.  It feels great to lighter!  I feel better.  I definitely feel like I have more energy.

Still, there is a ways to go.  I want to get down to 175 lbs.  Originally I was shooting for the beginning of August.  Now I'm not so sure I can swing it.  That's 40 lbs in 2 months and that is probably pushing it just a bit too hard.  I do think I can make that weight but mid-September though so that will be my goal.

Just to put all of this into perspective, here's what I looked like just before I started working out this year:

Maybe it's a bit hard to tell because I have a huge Bears jersey on, but trust me, I've trimmed down quite a bit!

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