Monday, June 14, 2010

I just ran 6.2 miles this evening!

This is about the farthest I've ever run - 6.2 miles!  I'm very excited.

It was hard to do.  The beginning and the end are the toughest parts of my run (regardless of the distance).  I want to start out faster but I'm very nervous about injuring myself and getting sidelined from my cardio workouts.  Also, I just feel stiff as I start the run and starting slowly helps me get loosened up.

The end of the run is really hard on me.  Physically, with about 1.5 miles to go I began to feel a little (very slight but real) tingling pain in my left knee.  My left shin also started to hurt ever so slightly and my lower back started tightening up.  The physical pain is made worse by my wandering and worrying mind.  I start to worry about the pain.  Should I stop I wonder to myself.  No!  I tell myself to toughen up and finish the run.  And I do.

I've agreed to participate in a 10K this coming Sunday.  Aye Caramba!  What the heck was I thinking?  At least now I know that I can cover the distance - 6.2 miles.  Between Tuesday and Sunday morning I need to train in a way that helps me to be strong and rested for the 10K.  Hopefully I'll get some feedback from friends.  The good news for me is that I will not have to cover this distance again until Sunday!

My weight is down but not nearly as much as I had hoped by this time (mid-June).  I'm going to keep going with the healthy eating and the steady workouts.  I may be plateauing a bit but that shouldn't last forever.

Things are going well so far!

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