Thursday, July 8, 2010

I'm so tired: is it a lack of sleep or a lack of food

Why am I so tired?  I got a decent amount of sleep last night (I went to bed at 10pm and woke up at 4am - that's good by my standards).  I had coffee this morning and a diet coke just an hour ago.  So why am I so tired on the train ride home?

I'm wondering if my tiredness has anything to do with not eating enough.  This morning I had a protein shake and a banana at about 5:15am.  At around 8am I ate a handful of raw almonds (no oil, no salt).  At about 9:30am I went over to Protein Bar and got a bowl of steel-cut oats with whey protein and skim milk and some sliced bananas.  Then at 2pm I drank a 20oz bottle of Coke Zero.  I feel a bit of a grumble in my stomach but I don't feel like I'm that hungry.

I'm heading home on the commuter train now.  It's about 4pm.  I'll go straight to the gym.  I've got a new mix of NO Xplode and unflavored whey protein isolate 28.  I'm going to mix it in water and drink it as I work out.  I'm strength training today.  If my legs feel up to it I'll run on the treadmill for 1 mile (at least) at the end of the workout.  The NO Xplode and whey protein drink should give me enough energy and nutrition to get me through the 1.5 hour workout.

I plan on having a mix of quinoa and chicken (khorma) for dinner.  I'll need to get some kind of vegetable as well (maybe a salad).  I'll eat well tonight but the nature of the food I'll be eating will make it hard to eat too much fat or too many calories.

I'll end the day with a large cup of green tea sweetened with a sugar substitute.  Is that enough fuel for the day?

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