Saturday, March 19, 2011

I'm racking up miles and slowly dropping some weight!

I haven't been as active this year on this blog but it's not because I'm not working out.  I'm actually doing alright with the work outs.  The weight training is off by a lot but the running is right on track.

My goal for 2011 is to run three half marathon races and to log a total of 600 miles.  I'm on track to achieve the 600 miles/year goal.  I've signed up for 2 half marathons already with the first one coming up on May 15th.  After today's 5 mile run outside I have a total of 133.75 miles completed!

This is year 2 of running and fitness for me.  My three outdoor runs (1 mile, 2.5 miles and now 5.0 miles) all felt great, but I'm trying to be extra cautious about over-doing it.  I absolutely love the feeling I get when I run and when I finish my run.  I don't want to jeopardize that in any way.  I've noticed that a 12 minute mile pace is my default/easy pace now.  Last year it was 13 minute miles.  I'm okay with that as training pace.

I looked at my times from 5K races last year and was surprised to see that I was doing just a little over 10 minute miles in April and May 2010.  I'm not sure I can sustain that pace for an additional 10 miles and I'm not going to try too hard to do it.

It's not about being a wimp or unambitious.  I'm in my early 40s and I just got back into fitness after about a decade of extremely unhealthy living (no exercise, extreme eating, massive weight gain).  God-Willing I will continue on my fitness journey the rest of my life, and again, God-Willing, that should be at least another quarter century or more.  I've got plenty of time to slowly build up.  In fact, my wife was telling me about a patient of hers who is 70 years old, runs half marathons and does them at a 9 minute/mile pace.  She said he's all muscle.  This guy's life and lifestyle are things I'd like to shoot for, and that's what my training is more focused on.  I want to improve my quality of life right now and into the future.  Being sidelined with boneheaded injuries doesn't help.

My weight training is dead.  I haven't lifted weights in about 1 month!  I need to develop a short, heavy, 3 day a week routine and stick to it.  I'm going to work on that and start is very soon.

I'm trying to get myself down to 180 lbs.  I'd like to get down to that weight ASAP.  Why?  Because sooner is better than later.

I'm relying on protein drinks, reduced sugar protein bars, lean meats, eggs and green veggies.  I was using skim milk to make my protein shakes but a friend of mine (thanks G.S.!!!) alerted me to unsweetened Almond Milk.  It really is very good!  It's low cal, low sugar and low carb.  Yes, skim milk is very low in calories but this is still 1/2 the calories of skim milk.  Almond milk also has very low carbs and sugar (whereas milk has a bunch).  The only thing almond milk lacks is protein, but since I'm using it to make a protein shake it doesn't matter.  Good find (again, thanks G.S.!!!).

My diet relies a lot on protein supplements but that's only because of time.  If I had the time to cook I'd eat more real food but that's simply not an option right now.  Also, it's very predictable and it takes the edge off of trying to find something tasty to eat.  Just pour, add, shake and consume.  Simple.

Anyhow, it's March 19, 2011 and we're nearing the end of the first quarter of 2011!  Amazing.  Tomorrow is the first day of Spring!  Outstanding.  This year is shaping up even better than 2010 and I'm on track to keep the healthy living trend going!

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