Friday, January 6, 2012

AM Run, PM Weights

I woke up today feeling ill.  I had a queasy stomach.  I felt the same way yesterday and ended up missing a workout.  I couldn't let that happen again today.  I want to start 2012 on a strong note, and missing workouts this early is not starting strong.

By 10:20pm tonight I've completed two workouts.  Late this morning I ran 3 miles on the treadmill and did 13 minutes on the stationary bike immediately afterwards.  This evening after dinner I did a 40 minute strength training workout focusing on chest, shoulders and triceps.

I was able to get some extra reps out of my bench press because I convinced my wife to spot me.  I did my best to look and sound strong to impress her.  When I finished I got up and looked at her.

"Okay.  Can I go now?" was all she said.

Whatever.  I know I'm strong!  Now I'm going to chill out and watch the rest of the Cotton Bowl.  I picked Arkansas to win.

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