Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A bad workout vs. no workout: which is better?

I had a bad workout today.  I did the bare minimum and wrapped it up quickly.  It makes me wonder: is it better to have a bad workout or to skip it until the next day with the hope that I'll be more focused later?

Excluding the scenario where the lack of motivation is due to fatigue caused by strenuous training, I'm going to side with those who say a bad workout trumps skipping the workout.

Today's workout called for strength training focused on my chest, shoulders and triceps followed by a 1 mile run and some core exercises.  This workout usually takes about 70 minutes.  I hit all three major muscle groups, did some core exercises and skipped the 1 mile run.  I finished the workout in 40 minutes.

I started out with sit-ups.  I did 3 or 4 sets.  Next, I did my regular barbell bench presses, but I skipped the supersets of machine benches and lying dumbbell flies.  For my shoulders I did 3 rounds of supersets that started with dumbbell lateral raises, upright rows and then barbell shoulder shrugs.  I wrapped up the workout with 3 sets of triceps pushdowns.

Midway through the bench press sets I turned off the television (UFC Unleashed on Spike TV) because I was wasting too much time in between sets watching the fight.

There are a couple of things that contributed to the lack of focus (and it was the lack of focus that was the culprit).  First, I was trying to workout during the last hour and a half before my kids go to bed on a night when my wife came home late from work.  Part of my mind was on the yelling and screaming upstairs.  I felt guilty that I wasn't upstairs helping out.

Today is pizza night for the kids.  I should have made a protein shake with some berries to fuel the workout, but instead I had several slices of cheese pizza.  That couldn't have helped, and psychologically I know it made me feel sluggish.

All of the foregoing notwithstanding, I'm glad I got the workout done.  This will keep me on track with the remaining workouts for the week (b/c missing a workout has a domino effect on all the remaining workouts).

Hopefully tomorrow will be a lot better!

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