Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Next Big Challenge: Tough Mudder

The new year is starting off slow.

I've been struggling because I'm running for park commissioner in my home town and all of my mental energy is directed towards the campaign.

I've signed up for the Tough Mudder on June 29, 2013.  It's in Michigan.  I need to get serious with my training or I'm going to make a fool of myself.


Today was a crappy workout.  I did sit ups, bench press (3 sets), dumbell shoulder presses (3 super sets), a 1/4 mile sprint at 1.5% incline on the treadmill and then 40 push ups.  It's better than nothing, but not by much.

The diet's been okay throughout the day, but the evenings have been a challenge.

I'm healthy and ready to go.  No injuries at all.  It's all mental.  I haven't flipped the switch in my head to make taking my fitness to a crazy new level a priority.


Okay.  Here we go.  Switch.  Flipped.  Done.

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