Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tough Mudder, Chicago Marathon

I'm doing the Tough Mudder on June 29, 2013 in Michigan with a few friends.  I'm not as ready as I should be, but I will be okay.  I anticipate being very sore the next day.  After this race, I'm going to be singularly focused on training for the Chicago Marathon.

That's right!  I got into the marathon!  Team "Leave No Veteran Behind" was able to secure a few more spots on its team.  I tried to sign up with them initially, but because of the messed up registration and subsequent lottery, I did not get in.  Now I'm in.

Yes, it's going to be hard, but to hell with second guessing.  I'm going to do it.  I ran the Soldier Field 10 Mile run over Memorial Day weekend and have run up to 5 miles at a time since then, so I have some base from which to work from henceforth.

I bought a beginners marathon training plan from Runners World and will try to follow it to the letter.  The period from July 10 through August 10 will be tough because that will be Ramadan and I fully intend to observe the fast and train.  My initial thought is that I will do my runs in the evening after I break my fast.  That way I can hydrate, fuel up, run, and then re-hydrate and re-fuel before going to bed.

The training calls for a 4 mile run today and tomorrow (each), and then a 10 mile long run on Sunday.  The 10 mile run is going to be hard.  I'm going to need to get up early and just knock it out.

Here we go!

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