Saturday, July 6, 2013

Tough Mudder Michigan 2013: Team Red White & Blue

The smiley faced guy in the white Team RWB shirt
is my buddy.  The guy in the red Team RWB shirt
with the pained look on his face is me.  We just crossed the
finish line.

June 29, 2013 - Brooklyn, MI.  My first Tough Mudder was, for me at least, just what I expected.  It was tough, and it was muddy.  It was a 12 mile course with 20 obstacles interspersed throughout.  It is, to date, the hardest event I've tried, and I loved it.  I'll definitely do another one next year.

I was definitely not prepared for this run.  It's not that I didn't train right.  I just didn't train enough.  And I came in too heavy.  I gained about 15 pounds over the winter and I didn't shed the weight before the Tough Mudder.  That hurt me too.

I ran with a small team of 3 (myself included).  Our group, Team RWB, had a total of about 50 who ran in smaller groups such as ours.  My team was great.  They could've completed this course faster but they hung back so I could keep up.  That sucked.

Tough Mudder is something to be tackled with friends.  It's a great bonding experience.  I'm looking forward to running it again next year.

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