Sunday, April 25, 2010

3 mile run in a light freezing rain! That's a sign of commitment!


Today I ran 3 miles.  Outside.  In a light freezing drizzle.  In 34 minutes.

It felt great!

I was out all day - kids soccer games and then a fundraiser for a state political candidate - and when I got home around 5:30pm it was cold and cloudy but there was no rain (it rained earlier in the day at the soccer games).  My original plan was to head to the gym for a treadmill and weight training workout.  It turned out, however, that my wife wanted to workout too and for us to manage both of us working out with dinner and getting the kids to better etc., I'd need to stay home.

No problem.  I changed into my workout gear and walked out the front door.  Drizzle.  Damn.

I actually walked back into the front door but checked myself before I could say anything.  I turned around, closed the door behind me and walked down the driveway.  As I set my timer and hit the road I realized that it was a very light freezing rain that was falling.

I was wearing two outer layers and a knit hat and gloves so I was adequately attired.  I ran the two block circuit which is 0.75 miles per round/lap.  I ran 4 times around this two block route in 34 minutes.  That's 3 miles in 34 minutes.  That seems to be my new pace - a little over 11 minutes per mile.

I walked back into the house and felt very excited.  The emotion wasn't pride and joy but excitement.  I felt excited that I was able to get out in bad weather conditions and still run.  I think that bodes well for the rest of the Spring and hopeful for the Summer too.  If I can run in this weather, then I should be good to run on most days between now and next winter!

As for winter running, well, lets not get ahead of ourselves...

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