Wednesday, April 28, 2010

3.87 Miles in 44 minutes Yesterday, Plus a great day of healthy eating!

I had a great fitness day yesterday!  I ran 3.87 miles outside after work.  I did it in 44 minutes.  This is the farthest I've run this year (and in many years for that matter) outside.  I also ate really well.

My neighborhood has lots of hills so my run is peppered with long stretches of up hill and down hill running.  This is great training because I think a lot of the 5K races are not going to be as hilly as my training route.

I would really like to head out to an outdoor track and try running 5 or 6 miles to test myself.

Yesterday I ate 2 boca burgers, a spinach salad with lite ranch dressing and a whey isolate protein shake made with 12 ounces of skim milk.  This was my dinner after my run.  I succumbed to a carb craving in the morning and ate two bowls of honey nut cheerios with skim milk.  During the day I had a Detour protein bar and some almonds and cashews (unsalted, no oil, raw).  I also had some coffee (about 16 ounces over the course of the day).

I'm psyched!  My feet, ankles, shins, knees, hips and back have all been holding up.  Thank God!  I just hope hope hope I can keep this up!  I want to stay injury-free as I continue to build my running endurance and strength, my overall fitness and as I continue to lose weight!

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