Monday, August 30, 2010

Running for Relief - Raising Money for Children in Need

I've been thinking about the "slow motion tsunami" that's been taking place in Pakistan over the last 4 weeks.  The catastrophe only hit my radar about a week and a half ago.  The pictures of the children suffering and dying in the flooded areas is almost too much to handle.

We (my wife and I) gave a donation to a relief agency a few weeks ago (my wife had already given before I really even started thinking about the floods).  I've been writing about it on my other blog (An American Muslim Journal) and I've been posting news stories and pictures about it on my Facebook site.  But surely there is more that I can do, right?

Well, for now the best I can do is raise some money for the relief effort.  We are entering to the final 10 days of Ramadan.  I've decided to test myself a little bit.  Even as I fast from daybreak to sunset each of these remaining 10 days, I am going to run at least 30 miles as well.

I'm hoping that this effort will draw attention to the plight of the children in Pakistan and my little effort will motivate my friends and family to give a little more.  I've set up a fundraising page at  I'm calling my effort "Running for Relief - Help Pakistan's Flood Victims" and the money I raise will go to UNICEF.

I'll chronicle my efforts on An American Muslim Journal but I'll also try to cross post here to write about how I'm feeling and how the running is going.

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