Monday, September 13, 2010

5K - done! 10K - done! Next up - Half Marathon on 11/27/10!

I'm very blessed to have completed 41 years!  41 years of what?  Of living!

And on my 41st birthday I am going to kick off my training for a half-marathon!  Today's goal is nominal - 2 miles.  I can do that without much trouble.  By Saturday I need to run 6 miles and within slightly more than 1 month from today I'm going to need to run 9 miles!

The difference between 6 miles and 9 miles seems daunting.  And by the end of October I should be hitting the double digits!  I'm working off of a Hal Higdon training plan as well as a plan from Runner's World.  I've modified the plans to add strength training.

Here is what my plan looks like:

I know I can do 6 miles.  October 9, 2010 will be my big challenge when I try to cover 8 miles which will be the farthest/longest I've ever run.  And the week after I'm going to push myself to run 9 miles!  On 10/30/10 I'll attempt my very first double digit run - 10 miles!

I've signed up for the Schaumburg Half Marathon Turkey Trot.  I've also announced it to all of my friends and family via Facebook.  Both of these steps were necessary in order to lock myself in mentally to the race.

Let's get moving!

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