Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Farthest I've ever run! 7.5 miles this morning!

I ran 7.5 miles this morning.  I finished the run in 90 minutes.  That’s 12 minute miles all the way through.  I probably started slow, I felt like a few of the miles were faster than 12 minutes, and the last 1 mile was definitely a bit more brisk.

This is the run route:

The run felt good.  There were numerous reasons that contributed to today’s good run.  First and foremost, I got about 7 hours of sleep last night and this helped (since my average is about 5.5 hours).  I had a protein drink and some coffee in the morning.  This was just the right balance of calories and stimulant to get me moving.

I started my run at about 10am so I had about 2.5 hours from the time I woke up to the time I started running to get warmed up.  I did a lot of slow stretching all morning.  My joints and muscle felt good as I started the run.

It was about 60 degrees out and I was wearing running pants and a hooded sweat shirt on top of my tech-shirt.  The attire was just right for the weather conditions.

I ran a route on the bike path at the forest preserve.  I ran 3.75 miles out and then turned around and came back.  The scenery and the other runners, bicyclists and walkers kept me going.  It would have been a lot harder to cover 7.5 miles if I were running laps around the block.

All of the foregoing things contributed to a good run.  I drove home right afterwards and had another protein drink (GNC brand whey protein isolate 28 mixed with soy milk).

I didn’t drink any water during the run.  That’s because I didn’t take any water with me.  I may need to invest in one of those belts (I don’t want to carry a water bottle in my hand) that I’ve seen other runners wear with the holsters for small plastic flasks of water as I begin to close in on double digit runs.

A few hours after the run I began to feel the soreness in my legs.  It wasn’t an injury-like pain but it was definitely painful.  Even though I say the run was easy, I know that it was tough on my body.

Running 90 minutes really got me hungry.  I’ve eaten a lot today after the run.  The good news is that I cut off the eating at about 5:30pm.

After consuming the post-run protein drink, I made and ate an egg and cheese sandwich (3 eggs fried with PAM non-stick spray, 2 slices of double fiber wheat bread, some shredded cheddar cheese and some Shedd’s Spread).  I ate this sandwich at about 2pm.

By around 4pm I was really hungry and I had a craving for burgers.  This is where I made the classic “running to eat” mistake.  I at a couple of big burgers from Wendy’s.  The only positives to this are that I didn’t have any cheese on the burgers (I’m using this to make myself feel better about it).

This is my achilles heel!  Mmmm....

Then, after an hour or so I drank about 16 ounces of skim milk.  That’s not so bad.  The bad part was that I snacked on some bite-sized candies from kids’ collection of “goodie bag” treats which they collect from the various birthday parties they attend every month.

I should have planned for the hunger in advance.

Oh well.  It could be worse.  And I should have been better.

My post-run diet aside, I feel very good about my half-marathon training.  I feel very confident about my ability to complete the Schaumburg half-marathon on 11/27 given where I am in my training right now.

Given that I’m not focusing on my time for the 11/27 Schaumburg half-marathon I just need to build up my distance by another 5.7 miles over the next 8 weeks.  I can do it!

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