Monday, February 22, 2010

Friday through Sunday: First good weekend!

I had my first good Friday through Sunday since I started my journey to better health! These three days, until this past weekend, had been my Achilles Heel. My diet and my exercise were very poor and inconsistent heretofore but thankfully I got that under more control!

Friday I worked out after work. I ran 20 minutes and then lifted weights - chest and shoulders. It was a great work out. I like running before I lift as it seems to help me set a faster pace for the weight lifting portion of my work out.

I was able to reign in my carb consumption this weekend. I still ate well (I had my splurg foods) but they were spread out throughout the weekend and not at every meal.

I ran and rode the stationary bike on Saturday evening and then did two rounds on the heavy bag. The running did not feel as good (I couldn't keep up the 4.5 mph pace the way I do at the gym) but I was able to get a good 25 to 30 minute workout by interspersing walking and inclines into the run.

Sunday I ate a late lunch and then avoided dinner!

One of the things that helped me was weighing in last week and finding out that I had dropped 5 lbs since the beginning of February. Knowing that too much splurging would erase some of the hard-earned weight loss kept me motivated.

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