Friday, February 19, 2010

Lack of focus leads to crappy workout

I had a lot on my mind yesterday. Usually a good workout can clear my head but alas the little things tripped me up in the end and resulted in a very crappy workout.

I signed up for laundry service at FFC. When I got to the gym my laundry bag was, as expected, in my locker. Great!

But wait - the clothes were all damp and smelly - not so great. I almost allowed myself to walk out of the gym without working out. Instead I put on the damp clothes and did some of my work out.

Yesterday was my day to lift weights. Specifically, to work on my legs and chest. I started with my legs and did all the exercises I needed to do. I was able to hit the right level of intensity during this phase of the workout. It took me about 20 minutes. But then, rather than moving on to dumbbell chest presses, I jumped on the exercise bike for a mild 25 minute ride. The heart rate monitor said I got my heart rate to where it needs to be for my age for a cardio workout (I have my doubts about that because I hardly broke a sweat).

I'm glad I got through the workout though. I weighed in afterwards and was surprised to see that I had lost 5 lbs. since I first weighed in at the beginning of the month. Not bad.

The positive feedback from the scale was enough to keep me motivated through the rest of the day. I had a couple of sandwiches for dinner - tuna w/ dijon mustard and roast beef w/ dijon mustard (both on whole wheat bread) and some skim milk. It was a lot better than the tradition rice and fatty/rich Indian dishes I'm often tempted with most nights.

Overall, 2/18/10 turned out to be a good fitness day.

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