Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Patience, vigilence...

My workouts and my eating habits are on track and I feel good. I've been consistent since the beginning of the year. That's a long time for me. Going forward I need to have patience and vigilence.

I need patience because I'm getting antsy about results. I want to strength and endurance to increase rapidly. I want the weight to come off rapidly too. I've been working hard but I've tried to be very mindful of not over-exerting myself. Hey, I'm thinking in terms of reality and not vanity! I've been moderate about my diet as well. There have been no crash dieting going on. While all of this is good, the net effect is that the gains/losses are very slow. Patience. Must be patient!

Of course I can't let patience become complacency. I know that the body reacts in strange ways. There is a real risk of plateauing or reaching a place where the exercise and diet become so routine that my body adapts and the gains/losses stagnate. That's where the vigilence comes in (as well as this blog!). By constantly thinking about what I'm doing and the gains/losses I'm making, I can ease up or intensify my efforts from time to time.

My hope is that a combination of patience and vigilence will keep the gains/losses on track.

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