Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Crappy weekend - ate, ate and ate some more...

Last week was gangbusters until Friday night!  I was down to 234 lbs (230 lbs if you believe the cheap scale in my bathroom) and was on track to dip below 230 lbs by Monday.  Alas it call came to a crashing stop on Friday night.

Our family went to Golden Corral (GC) for dinner.  For those who don't know, GC is a buffet place.  It was actually a great place - there was plenty of lean protein (and even more plentiful fatty, fried protein) and green veggies.  I started off with those but I succumbed to the warm rolls and honey butter at the table.  Then I had a few steak fries and then I really put myself in a hole with a bowl of soft serve ice cream (chocolate).

On Saturday I was home alone with my boys (my wife and the girls were out of town).  The morning went well - I hate a protein shake and a banana.  My workout was average - I ran for 20 minutes on the treadmill and rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes. One my boys was with me (my 3 year old) and I was watching him closely because there are a gazillion ways for a kid his age to hurt himself in our basement if left to his own reckless ways.  After the workout I had another protein shake and about 24 ounces of water.

Later that afternoon I succumbed to Five Guys - an incredible burger joint - while driving around town with my boys.  A half pound cheeseburger and fries.  Later that evening I had dinner at my parents' home where I ate a paratha (a flat bread that is fried - oh so tasty and oh so bad for you).

Then on Sunday I resumed my healthy eating but by dinner time I again faltered.  By then the family was back together again and we went to Noodles & Company where I had the Indonesian Peanut Saute with chicken and a few chicken potstickers.  Later than night I ate 5 "Thanks A-Lot" Girl Scout cookies (I bought 15 boxes from my daughter and have had them for a month - this was the second time I ate them with the first time being the day we brought them home and at that time I had one "Lemonade" cookie).

That was the most self-destructive eating weekend of the year.

Well, I can't "un-ring" that bell so the most I can do to remediate the gluttony of the weekend is to get back on track this week.  The weekend was a setback but if I let it completely derail me then I'll suffer additional setbacks until I'm back to square one (or even worse off than when I started - believe me this is quite possible).

Yesterday (3/22/10) I ate sensibly (2 protein shakes during the day plus a banana) and then some grilled tilapia fillets and green beans followed by some skim milk and a tablespoon of Nutella.  I had a great workout yesterday - I ran on the treadmill for 20 minutes, I rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes and I lifted weights (chest and shoulders).  The workout lasted about 1.5 hours.

Looking back to the weekend I can see some things I should have done better.  The GC excursion was fine but I should have had the will power to resist the carbs.  I should have saved the Five Guys excursion for another weekend and foregone the fries.  The Noodles & Company meal would have been fine in the afternoon and I should have chugged some skim milk first and then had one cookie.  This is all very doable.  Most weekends in 2010 I've been much better about my eating.

I need to end March 2010 on a very strong note.  I've got just a bit over 1 week to really build some momentum for April 2010!

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