Monday, November 7, 2011

2011 Races done! Next stage of training?

My next half marathon will be in June 2012.  I'll start training for the next big race around mid-March 2012.

That means I have between now and mid-March to change up my training a bit (away from the longer distance runs).  I want to use this time to work on strength training, building more muscle and losing some more fat.  I want to continue running 3 times a week, but I plan to scale back the mileage to about 9 miles per week (rather than the 11 to 20 miles I've been doing over the year).

A big challenge for me is figuring out what my body can handle in terms of strength training.  In my mind I still think I can do the hard and long trainings from my high school and college days, but when I go all out in that way, I often end up so sore that I can't workout again for at least 3 or 4 days.  That's not productive.  I need to be able to push myself hard enough that I can lift weights 2 or maybe 3 times per week per muscle group.

I'm debating whether a 3 workouts per week regimen with core exercises that provide a full body workout is the way to go.  These lifts would be: squats, dead lifts, overhead barbell shoulder press, bench press and bent over rows.   An alternative is to split up the body into two groups and then do 2 days for each (yielding 4 days of strength training).  One possible split is: chest, shoulders and back on one day and legs and arms (mostly an ego muscle group) on the second day.

I'm inclined to go with the latter regimen (and muscle grouping) because it will allow me to keep each workout to about 1 hour.

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