Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving workouts

The turkey is good feasting fare.  It's the sides that kill...
I'm looking forward to tomorrow.  In the afternoon it's thanksgiving lunch at my brother's house, and then in the evening it's thanksgiving dinner at my wife's sister's place.  This year's thanksgiving is going to be a lot less guilt-ridden than thanksgiving meals of the past.  That's because this year I plan to load up on the turkey, nibble on the sides and treat myself to a nice serving of pumpkin pie.

The turkey is good feasting fare.  It's the sides that kill!

Oh, and I plan to do two workouts as well.  If the weather is nice then I'm going to make one of the workouts a nice run outside.  Another workout with involve weight training.  The timing of the workouts will depend on the weather.  If it's at least 30 degrees out by mid-morning then the run will be in the morning.  If it's too cold for my mood in the morning then workout one will be the weights.

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