Tuesday, October 5, 2010

5 miles - 2 days in a row!

This Saturday (10/9/10) I'm scheduled to run 9 miles.  The schedule of which I speak is my half marathon training schedule which I put together using advice and guidance from: (1) Runners World, (2) Hal Higdon's website and (3) a marathon runner friend at work.

I'm nervous.  Every long run is a new milestone for me.  Two weeks ago that milestone was 7.5 miles.  This week it will be 9.0 miles.

Yesterday and today I ran 5 miles each.  Both runs felt good.  During my runs yesterday and today I tried to consciously think about training my body to go farther and farther.  I said to myself - don't slack and don't let the form break down; every training run is critical to a successful race in November.  And guess what?  It worked.  I found my back straighten up and my turnover rate increased (I am trying very hard not to take long strides and instead, keep my foot falls under my body) and my arms moved up and began pumping more purposefully as I thought about it.

I'll do a short 2.5 mile run on Thursday.  That will be the only other run I do before Saturday morning.  I'm focusing hard on the training to lessen my fear.  Running 9 miles is a challenge!  Plus, I am very mindful of staying healthy.  None of my training is worth a damn if I get reckless and let myself get injured.

9 miles!  Wow!  I can't wait to finish that run!  I can feel the exhilaration I'll hopefully feel when I finish the run.

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