Saturday, October 9, 2010

I've crossed into the realm of double digit runs - 10 miles done!

I successfully completed my planned 10 mile run this morning!  It was hard, but not as hard as I imagined it would be.

My previous long run was 7.5 miles which I completed a few weeks ago.  My half marathon training plan called for a 9 mile run today with next week being a 10 mile run.  I decided to go for the 10 miles this week for a couple of reasons.  First, I felt like I was up for it.  Second, I am going to be visiting my in-laws next week and I had doubts about trying to do my first double digit run outside of familiar surroundings.  It was a good call.

Besides the increased miles, today's run was tougher than the 7.5 mile run a few weeks ago for several other reasons.  The 2.5 mile circuit in my neighborhood starts of with a steep hill and then a long downhill stretch and then a few other shorter hills throughout the route.  The 7.5 mile was done at a nearby forest preserve and it was flat all the way through.  Today the temperature as easily 20 degrees warmer.  This morning it was about 70 degrees when I started my run and it got hotter as the 2 hour run progressed.  Two weeks ago it was very cool out at about 50 degrees and maybe a 5 degree warm up over the course of that 1.5 hour run.

I took the advice of some friends who run (much longer distances than me) and placed a water bottle by my house.  My 2.5 mile circuit brings me by the house each time.  I stopped for a drink of water after 5 miles and then again after 7.5 miles.  In addition to the hills and heat, the repetitiveness of running laps - even long 2.5 mile versions - did make the run less engaging and therefore a bit harder.

I'm over 1 month away from the half marathon (11/27/10).  I'm considering changing my training schedule so that I do a "step-down" run every other week.  Right now I'm to run two long runs and then a shorter run on my weekly long run days.  It was easy to do 6 miles and then 7.5 miles.  I'm not sure it will be as easy to do 11 or more miles next Saturday.  I'm tinkering with the idea of running 8 miles next week and then moving up to 11 miles the week after.  I'll still do a 12.5 to 13 mile run two weeks before the race using this modified schedule.

I feel good!

This afternoon I found this interesting article on the Runner's World website about 10-milers:  10 Reasons to Run 10 Miles.  It was a good read.

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