Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chicago Marathon on 10/10/10 - I'll be monitoring the results!

Today is the first time I've ever cared about the Chicago Marathon, or for that matter, any marathon!  I've got a couple guys from the office running and an old friend running so I'm interested in keeping tabs on how they do.

In addition to being interested in the performance of my colleagues and friend, I'm also interested because of my own running.  I'm not even close to being able to run a marathon but the running I've been doing makes me appreciate how challenging it is to run 26.2 miles.

I'm watching the race from home.  The chances of seeing my friends in the sea of 45,000 was not realistic but I tried nonetheless!  Once it was clear I wasn't going to see them I settled in to watch the coverage of the "elite" runners.

It was amazing to see the strides, the speed and the steady pace the elite runners possess.  While they ran it looked, to me at home, like it was effortless.

I'm really glad the coverage continued after the elite runners finished.  Seeing the regular runners is just as inspiring.  It was great to hear about runners who were running to raise money for charities too.

And lastly, seeing regular runners of all ages, shapes, sizes, strides and speed made the marathon look a little more attainable for me!  Who knows... 2011?

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