Sunday, November 21, 2010

Under 1 week to go... and the phantom aches are beginning!

Well, well, well!  It's been 10 weeks since I started training for the half marathon and now I'm under 1 week away from the big event!  And not surprisingly the phantom aches are turning up like clockwork!

Today I'm feeling a bit achy in my right ankle.  This is the ankle most prone to gout attacks (which I haven't had since starting my fitness journey in February 2010).  I know it's nothing but my insecurities over the upcoming race.  Yesterday I thought I felt some aches in my left achilles tendon but some how I was able to knock off 5 miles on the treadmill and 15 minutes on the stationary bike without too much trouble.

The last 10 weeks of training were good.  I'm going to really enjoy this week of tapering.  I'm going to lift weights, do some shorter runs and put in some time on the stationary bike.  I may well up the time I spend working out (to compensate for the extended thanksgiving feasting happening in my family).

Tonight, after everyone goes to bed, I'm heading into the basement to lift weights.  If I feel good I may do a mile or two of running on the treadmill!

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