Monday, November 15, 2010

Where I started and where I'm at now... 9 month status check

Before and After
Before picture taken 12/4/09 | After picture taken 7/29/10
I created this side-by-side comparison photo this evening.  It's not out of vanity.  It's an effort to visualize how far I've come and a stark reminder of what will happen if I don't stay the course.

The first photo (on the left - obviously) was taken at a friend's birthday party on December 4, 2009.  The funny thing is that I remember that night and I don't remember feeling bad.  When I look at that picture, especially next to the more recent one I feel a sensation of being bloated and sluggish.  However, back then I felt just fine.  We had a nice time at the party and then left for a late dinner at Weber Grill in downtown Chicago where I recall eating a burger and fries.

The second photo was taken at a bar association function on July 29, 2010.  Frankly, at the time I took this picture I felt like I wasn't losing weight fast enough.  Before writing this blog post I looked back at what I was writing on this blog in July 2010 and found that I was looking at jump-starting my dieting to shed another 20 to 25 pounds.  And now I look at this picture - right next to the old me - and feel pretty good and grateful.

I know that I've got a ways to go still in my fitness goals.  I've still got a gut that's slowing me down.  I still need to make a lot of strides in my running in particular.

In fact, this morning as I was leaving the house to go to work I saw a guy out running.  I watched him run by the house as I walked to my car.  As I watched him run by I couldn't help but feel envious.  This runner's strides were smooth and he was moving fast.  His face looked focused but not strained.  I felt envious because I'm sure I don't look like that when I'm running.  When I'm running I feel like I'm lumbering.  I can only imagine that it's not pretty watching me plod along!

That's fine though.  I'm not getting down on myself.  On most days I can knock off 5 miles without any trouble and I can cover 7.5 miles with just a little more thought and focus.  That's pretty darn good, but I know I can improve and that's what the self-criticism is about - improvement.

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