Sunday, December 25, 2011

The reason for this quest has changed...

About two years ago, around December 2009, I decided to lose weight and regain some dignity.  Two years later I've lost lots of weight, gained plenty of endurance and regained a fair amount of the strength I once had.  I look better and I feel great.  But what's next?

On the eve of a new year I am adopting a new purpose.  It's no longer about the vain reasons that animated my long runs and rigorous diet.  The new purpose is to achieve all the things I once dreamed about accomplishing in my youth but set aside, little by little, as I fell short at one thing after another.

My kids are getting older.  I need to give them a real life example of how to push through pain, to overcome failure, to endure hard work, to do mundane prep work day after day and to pursue dreams.  Fitness training is an excellent way to train the mind and the body.

The world is a hard place.  I've actually had a very easy go of it, but everywhere I look I see others struggling and can't help but think to myself that but for the Grace of God I might be struggling like others.  While I've avoided any real challenges (homelessness, illness, chronic unemployment, ailing children, etc), there is no guarantee my kids will have the same luxury.  My parents struggled.  My kids may too.

I want my kids to have iron wills.  It's not enough to be book smart.  They may not struggle for physical survival (I hope), but the physical stress and the challenge that comes for grueling physical exertion has an impact on the mind and can the benefits can translate into purely cerebral situations.

How do I help them develop iron wills when I question whether I have one myself?  My solution is to challenge myself with tougher goals that require extreme dedication and grueling effort.

I don't know how to make them understand the connection between the strength of their bodies and the strength of their minds, but I know that there is connection.  While I can't explain it to them with words alone, I can try to live it for them.

In 2012 I'm going to train to run the Chicago Marathon (10/7/12) and I'm going to commit to simultaneously pursuing a powerlifting regimen as well.  I will bring myself down to (or under) 15% body fat by the end of 2012, and I will exceed 300 lb. lifts in each of the three powerlifting moves (bench press, dead lift and squat).

These are the challenges I will take on in 2012.  I expect them to be very hard, but if, by some miracle, they are easier than anticipated, then I will revise them mid-year.  And all the while I will keep my focus on relishing those moments when I'm feeling too tired or too sore too un-motivated and push myself to do more in those moments.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

December 2011 Workouts, goals

It's been a good year.  Back in January I wanted to run 600 miles by 12/31/11.  I hit that goal about 2 months early so I added another 100 miles to that goal.  I've kept my body weight down, and I've gotten stronger thanks to a decent amount of strength training over the year.

December is here, and I know I need to end the year strong.  That means a great month of running, lifting and a great diet.  I want to enter 2012 with a lot of positive energy and tons of momentum!

My goal for December is to run 2 miles everyday throughout the month.  Treadmill miles wills be fine so long as I run them on a 1.0% incline.  I also want to strength train 4 times per week (Saturday & Sunday plus two days during the week).

Over the past 3 months my diet has become a lot less strict.  In December I intend to return to a more healthy and rigorous routine.  More fiber, more green veggies and plenty of lean chicken, fish and some lean beef.  The diet in December is going to be high fiber, high protein and low carb.

No breaks or easy days in December!

Post-thanksgiving rest

With lots of kids running around the house all thanksgiving-weekend long it is hardly surprising that I finally caught a bug.  It sidelined me from Saturday through today.  The last time I worked out was a 2-a-day on thanksgiving day.  I've had 6 days off and frankly it feels okay.

I have 47 miles to run in order to hit the 700 mile mark.  With 31 days in December that averages out to about 1.6 miles per day.  I will achieve this goal too.

Thanks to the rest I'm feeling better and I'm fired up to begin working out hard again!  I hope to wrap up 2011 with a very strong set of workout in December.  I'm not sure what the workouts are going to look like, so I know planning the next 31 days of workouts, diet and goals is a top priority.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving workouts

The turkey is good feasting fare.  It's the sides that kill...
I'm looking forward to tomorrow.  In the afternoon it's thanksgiving lunch at my brother's house, and then in the evening it's thanksgiving dinner at my wife's sister's place.  This year's thanksgiving is going to be a lot less guilt-ridden than thanksgiving meals of the past.  That's because this year I plan to load up on the turkey, nibble on the sides and treat myself to a nice serving of pumpkin pie.

The turkey is good feasting fare.  It's the sides that kill!

Oh, and I plan to do two workouts as well.  If the weather is nice then I'm going to make one of the workouts a nice run outside.  Another workout with involve weight training.  The timing of the workouts will depend on the weather.  If it's at least 30 degrees out by mid-morning then the run will be in the morning.  If it's too cold for my mood in the morning then workout one will be the weights.

Monday, November 7, 2011

2011 Races done! Next stage of training?

My next half marathon will be in June 2012.  I'll start training for the next big race around mid-March 2012.

That means I have between now and mid-March to change up my training a bit (away from the longer distance runs).  I want to use this time to work on strength training, building more muscle and losing some more fat.  I want to continue running 3 times a week, but I plan to scale back the mileage to about 9 miles per week (rather than the 11 to 20 miles I've been doing over the year).

A big challenge for me is figuring out what my body can handle in terms of strength training.  In my mind I still think I can do the hard and long trainings from my high school and college days, but when I go all out in that way, I often end up so sore that I can't workout again for at least 3 or 4 days.  That's not productive.  I need to be able to push myself hard enough that I can lift weights 2 or maybe 3 times per week per muscle group.

I'm debating whether a 3 workouts per week regimen with core exercises that provide a full body workout is the way to go.  These lifts would be: squats, dead lifts, overhead barbell shoulder press, bench press and bent over rows.   An alternative is to split up the body into two groups and then do 2 days for each (yielding 4 days of strength training).  One possible split is: chest, shoulders and back on one day and legs and arms (mostly an ego muscle group) on the second day.

I'm inclined to go with the latter regimen (and muscle grouping) because it will allow me to keep each workout to about 1 hour.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Team RWB runs the Ghirardelli Hot Chocolate 5/15K in Chicago

I ran my last race of 2011 on Saturday, November 5, 2011 in downtown Chicago.  It was a 15K (9.3 miler) in the Ghirardelli's Hot Chocolate 5/15K Sweetest Race.  I organized a team to run in this event on behalf of Team Red White and Blue (the same charity we ran for at the 9/11/11 Chicago Half Marathon).

Team RWB runners waiting for the thirty thousand or so
5K runners to start before the 15K runners begin!

A bunch of folks from the half marathon in September ran with me again for this race.  My wife joined us in the 5K portion while sporting the Team RWB colors as well.  A few other friends participated in their individual capacities (we'll get them to run with Team RWB soon!), and a runner introduced herself to me during the 15K race as a person from our Team RWB Facebook page!  How cool is that?!

The morning started out very cold but by race time it was absolutely perfect running weather!  I felt great during the race.  Even though I spent some time slowing down to take pictures and some video, I was nonetheless able to post a very decent 1 hour 40 minute time (which translates to a 10:45 minute/mile).  This race and the time I posted is just what I need to get me focused on training for next year's half marathons.  If I can run 9.3 miles at a sub 11 min/mile, then I can, with the right training, run a half marathon at an 11 min/mile pace in June 2012.

A few of our Team RWB runners at the start of the 15K
Despite all the hype about the free hot chocolate, chocolate fondue and chocolate candies at the post-race party, I am happy to report that I did not partake of any of it.  Frankly, I just didn't have a taste for hot chocolate after a 9.3 mile run!  A few of us who live in the 'burbs went out for brunch instead.  In lieu of chocolate fondue I had a big steak omelette with some wheat toast!

It was a great race to wrap up the year.  I've already been tempted to sign up for a thanksgiving half marathon (the same one that kicked off my long races last year), but I'm going to hold off.  I'm going to focus on running a few races but with better planning and training in 2012.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Random Running!

Earlier this week I downloaded the Endomonodo app for my Blackberry.  It's like a GPS watch - it measures my miles and time and pace.  I tested it out the other day on a route I normally run and whose distance I know.  The app measured the distance almost to a exact one hundredths place!

Today I went out for a run but instead of running a set route I went out and ran through subdivisions without a set plan.  I had some idea of where I wanted to go, but near the end I decided to take an extra loop and to go a bit farther and double back to extend my run a bit.  It felt great to run this way and then still know how far and how fast I ran!

Check it out.  It's called Endomondo.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

10 + miles run today (the goal was 9 miles)

Today's goal was a 9 mile run.  I went to bed at 10pm last night so that I could be well rested.  The rest worked.  I finished up the workout with over 10 miles.

As I was getting ready this morning my kids asked to run with me.  That is music to my ears.  After all, part of the idea for working out and getting in shape is to be a role model for my children.

We warmed up in the driveway and then headed out.  I was impressed.  The little guys ran 1/3 of a mile with me!  I took them back into the house and then headed out to the local forest preserve for my 9 mile run (4.5 miles out and then back again).

My 9 miler was good.  I stayed focused, was rested and was dressed just right for the cool temperature.  The wind didn't pick up until the return leg of my run and at times it was at my back and other times I ran against it.

I felt good by the time I got home.  When I walked in the door it turned out the older kids wanted to run too.  So, being the good father that I am, I took them out for a 1.15 mile run around the neighborhood.

And that run put me over the 10 mile mark!

I feel great, and I know it is a blessing to be able to be this active.  I'm so glad I decided to get back in shape!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Jumping rope adds to strength training workouts

Tonight (Friday night) I added rope work to my strength training.  It felt good.

Because I workout alone and don't have a spotter when I lift weights, I rarely lift to failure on some of the big lifts.  That means, at least for me, a reduction in the overall intensity of the workout.

By jumping rope in between sets I was able to get my heart rate up and work up a good sweat too.  It isn't the first time I've done, this but it is something I plan on doing regularly from here on out.

The Friday night workout focused on chest and shoulders.  The exercises were a barbell bench press, barbell shoulder press (from a hanging clean movement), upright rows, dumbbell side raises and a barbell dead lift.  I jumped rope in between sets.

The workout lasted about 1.25 hours.

Monday, October 10, 2011

7.48 miles today - in the neighborhood

I ran 7.48 miles today.  It was in the low 70s today.  It was very sunny today as well.  Since I was at home I went out in the late morning (around 11am).  It was an atypical October day.  There is no telling when the Chicago deep freeze will set in so I felt compelled to take advantage of this nice weather.

The neighborhood was very quiet.  I did a 1.15 mile lap in the immediate subdivision and then went out of the subdivision for a 3.14 mile run out and then 3.14 mile run back to the front of my house.

I haven't run this far in about a month (since the 9/11 Chicago Half Marathon).  Later this week (Saturday) I want to go out for a 8 mile run.  It's all part of getting ready for the 11/5/11 Hot Chocolate 15K in downtown Chicago.

Lack of a goal = Lack of focus

In August I ran 80 miles while fasting to raise money for orphans in India.  In September I ran a half marathon for Team Red White and Blue.  These goals kept me focused.

Since the 9/11 Chicago Half Marathon my workouts have been decent but my diet is disgusting.  I'm eating pizza, burgers, fries, candy, white bread and cookies.  The reason is simple - I don't have any really big challenges on the horizon.

Today is the start of a new set of challenges.  On November 5 I'm going to run in the Hot Chocolate 15K in Chicago.  Later this week I'm going to set a date to have my body-fat percentage measured (as part of my competition with my colleague at work) and to hold the bench-press completion (against the same work colleague).  The bench-press competition will be based on body-weight plus 10 percent for the weight to be used.  My goal is to be at 190 pounds and then use 220 as the amount of weight to be lifted.  I'd like to get 20 repetitions with that weight.

These goals keep me very focused and on plan.

I've made this same mistake of not having any short term goals and I experienced the same decline in my healthy lifestyle at that time as well.  I should know better by now.

Race or no race, I've must set goals in order to remain successful.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

36 miles to reach 600 mile running goal for 2011


It's been a better than expected year for running!  I set a goal of running 600 miles in 2011.  It's early October and I'm 36 miles to the goal.  That's great.

I'm going to try to hit 700 by 12/31/11!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Ramadan's 80 miles and $3000 (and more) in charity: DONE!

It was tough, but I thank God and all my family and friends for helping me achieve this small goal I set for myself during Ramadan 2011!  I completed the 80 miles while fasting and my family, friends and even complete strangers, donated over $3500 to The Miracle Foundation to help orphans in India.

A very special thank you has to go to The Daily Herald newspaper and to Madhu Krishnammurthy, a reporter for this paper.  Madhu heard about what I was trying to do via Facebook (we're friends on Facebook) and she did a story about it.  That story was the key to getting the word out.  I know it made a huge difference because the day before the story was published the donations were at about $700 and it was already about 10 days into Ramadan.  Once Madhu's story came out the donations started pouring in!

This is a shot from the article on the Daily Herald's website
The folks at The Miracle Foundation have been very kind.  They've heaped a ton of praise on me.  It feels great but it's really more than I deserve.  It was a small effort on my part, my family, friends and complete strangers were then ones who donated all the money and the folks at The Miracle Foundation are the ones doing to good work.

This is a partial snapshot of a thank you card I received from the folks at The Miracle Foundation:

I'm truly grateful to God for making it possible for me to be able to run like this at this point in my life.  

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 24 in Ramadan - a little run down but still going

Today is the 24th consecutive day of fasting for me.  I've run 67 miles as of yesterday.  I'm going to try to knock out another 5 today.  My goal is 80 miles by the end of Monday, 8/29/11.  It looks good so far (for hitting my goal).

I am feeling very run down, however, and that manifested itself yesterday as I was trying to do hanging cleans (a version of a clean but instead of lifting the barbell from the ground I let the bar hang just below my knees).  I can usually go up to 135 pounds for reps but yesterday I was at about 115 pounds and struggled to get the weight up without losing my footing.

Also, getting myself onto the road, track, treadmill or weight room is tougher and tougher with each passing day.  I'm not missing workouts.  I'm just fighting with myself to get me started.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Running (and lifting) while fasting...

I'm a Muslim and part of my faith is to fast in the month of Ramadan.  Fasting entails abstinence from food and drink from pre-dawn (that first crack of light) to sunset.

Ramadan began on August 1, 2011 and I've been fasting every day.  I've also been running and lifting.  It hasn't been easy, but it isn't as hard as some folks might think.

In the early days I tried two strategies.  The first was to workout just before sunset (usually 1 to 2 hours before).  The idea was to limit the time between the end of the workout and the time when I can eat and drink.  This strategy worked.  I did it this way for a few days.

After the first few days of Ramadan I tried strategy #2 which involved working out after I broke my daily fast.  This was a disaster.  I tried to eat enough to energize myself but not so much that I would feel bloated.  I found that once I ate something and started hydrating, I was too tired to work out.

If I were alone, strategy #2 may have worked, but I am blessed with a wonderful family.  The breaking of the fast is a communal time followed by a prayer.  By the time I finished up with these obligations it was already 9:30pm.  I had to be up by 3:30am to eat before that first crack of dawn so working out after 9:30pm would leave too little time for sleep.

Strategy #1 - working out just before the breaking of the fast each night - was formally adopted as the way to go.  After work I either go home, change into some workout clothes and hit the road or I get home and head straight to gym.

I feel good.  Normally I get very sluggish in Ramadan.  This year, in addition to the running and lifting, I've been very particular about my eating.  I've definitely indulged in some rich foods at special gatherings with family and friends, but mostly I've stuck to veggies, quinoa, lean meats and my protein + fruit smoothies made with unsweetened almond milk.

This Ramadan I'm not just running my usual 12 miles per week.  I set goal of 80 miles for Ramadan (it's part of a fundraising effort for orphans in India).  That's considerably more miles than I normally run.  It turns out to be 40 miles per week.

As much as I'd like to sound nonchalant about it, the truth is that running the additional miles every week is challenging!  I've been experiencing soreness more than in other months because currently I'm running almost everyday.  I have to because I don't really want to try running longer distances while I'm fasting.  The longest I've gone is 5 miles.  The trade off to running fewer miles at a time is that I need to run 6 or even 7 days per week.

In addition to the running, I've also continued to lift weights.  It's not as often as before Ramadan, however.  During the first two weeks of Ramadan I lifted twice each week.  I think that's about what I expect to do this week and next week as well.

I'm glad I pushed myself to workout this Ramadan.  No excuses!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Back to Back weeks of 13 miles - Not Good

Last Saturday (7/23) was the Hoffman Estates/Alexian Brothers Hopsital Half Marathon.  As planned, I ran in this race.  Yesterday (7/29) I ran another 13 miles.

My takeaway lesson from running 13 mile runs back to back (week-wise)?  I'm not up for it.

It was tough.  When I got home from the run I thought I was going to pass out.  It took me a few hours to finally regain some energy and feel good.

Until I build up some more stamina, I need to avoid running such a long distance in back to back long runs.  I should have capped it at about 9 miles.  I know I would have been fine at that distance because I felt okay up until that point when running yesterday.

Another lesson I've learned is to take it easy in terms of working out (even non-running workouts) the day before a double-digit run.  I got a good night's sleep the night before the run.  My diet was appropriate too.  I did, however, have a very good strength-training workout the night before and that may have tired me out some.

I'm resting today and then tomorrow I'll try to run about 6 miles on an indoor track.  I'll be fasting come Monday (8/1) and at that juncture my workouts are going to be both shorter and probably a bit less strenuous as well.  During Ramadan I will not be running any double digit runs.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Training for a Half Marathon in Ramadan

August 1st will mark the first day of fasting in the month of Ramadan.  Once again I will observe this religious duty, but this year, unlike any of the many Ramadans of the past, I'll also be training for a half marathon.  This will be a real challenge!

I'm running in the Chicago Half Marathon on September 11, 2011.  I'm running for Team Red White and Blue (TeamRWB), a charity that helps reintegrate wounded veterans into civil society, and the race happens to fall on the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

Even though the race is just 12 days after the end of Ramadan, I can't pass up the chance to do something meaningful on this solemn date.  I've experienced a lot and changed a lot over the last 10 years because of the terrorist attacks of 9/11.  I don't want to forget 9/11.  This seems like a reasonable way to remember this national and human tragedy.

I ran a half marathon last Saturday (7/23).  That's 13 miles run 7 weeks before the 9/11 Half Marathon.  This weekend I'm going to run another 13 miles.  Normally I wouldn't run my max distance (I've never run more than 13.1 miles - yet) but I know that hitting this distance during Ramadan will be very difficult and rather than forego this long run, I'm going to suck it up and run it now.  One either 8/31 or 9/1 I'm going to run another 13 miles.  That will be one or two days after Ramadan is over but it will give me a good 10 days to rest up for the race.

During the month of Ramadan I plan to run either first thing after breaking my fast (which is at sunset) or about 1 hour before breaking the fast.  I'll experiment during the first few days to see which works best.

I probably will not run more than 60 to 75 minutes at a time, so in order to get myself conditioned for the 9/11 half marathon I'll try to up my total miles.  Last Ramadan I ran 30 miles in the last 10 days of the month to raise money for charity.  Maybe this year I'll try to set a tougher goal.  We'll see.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Summertime fitness

It's been a very good summer as far as workouts are concerned.

I ran a half marathon on May 15, 2011 in Schaumburg.  I ran and lifted weights during our family vacation during the last week of June.  Now I'm getting ready for my second half marathon of the year (on July 23rd).  I'm at or slight below the 200 pound mark and am about 15 pounds away from my 185 pound goal (from back in February 2010).

In addition to these personal workout highlights, I've also been running and lifting weights consistently.  As of today I'm at 369 miles (my year-end goal for total miles run is 600).  I'm about 30 to 50 miles ahead of schedule!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My mind vs. my muscles

This past Sunday was beautiful outside.  It was warm and sunny for change, and I took advantage of the nice weather and went out for a run - a 9 mile run around Shoe Factory Road Forest Preserve.

By mile 5 my mind was entertaining the idea of making the remaining 4 miles a leisurely stroll.  In other words, by the time I got to mile marker 5 I started to think about quitting.  It was hot, my water was running out and my mind was straying.

To fight off the urge to quit I tried to focus on my legs.  How were they feeling?  Was my right ankle acting up (it's the one that usually gives me trouble)?  No.  The part of my right leg just above the ankle but not quite the shin was achy all week.  Was it hurting?  No.  Was I winded?  No.  Was I getting side stitches?  No.  Cramps?  No.  My muscles were fine.  Everything was working, but my mind kept entertaining thoughts of quitting.

I struggled through it and finished the run.  As I closed the 9 mile loop I kept going for another tenth of mile or so to my parked car.  I stopped, unlocked the car door and grabbed some more water.  Within a few minutes my breathing was regular.  I felt fine.  Clearly I didn't push myself very hard based on how quickly I recovered, so why was my mind telling me to stop?

I spoke to a co-worker who runs marathons.  He's a young guy - at most he's in his mid-twenties.  This dude can run 7 minute miles.  7 minute miles!  I'd have to sprint to cover a mile in 7 minutes.  And I know I can't sprint for a whole mile.  I point this out for no real reason other than to say that I spoke to someone who knows a thing or two about running and can do it a lot better than me.

I told him of my running story (I regularly bore my running co-workers to death with my running issues) from this Sunday.  He had a very thoughtful insight.  The mind is rational and when it feels the stress of running it says "stop".  The impulse it sends to stop isn't based on the body not being able to withstand the stress.  It's just a self-preservation mechanism.  But an athlete knows (or should know) his body well enough (by pushing the limits in training) to know what it can withstand.  An athlete should be able to identify injury pain from simple fatigue pain.  And that, according to my colleague, is how you keep yourself going.

I felt pretty good about his explanation.  Largely this is because that's exactly what I did on my last run.  As an athlete (I refer to myself as one in the broadest, loosest and most generous sense known to mankind) I've come to understand what I can take.  That's why I didn't stop.  That's why I made it through all 9 miles.

Looking back I did find one variable that I re-introduced on my 9 mile run that I haven't had in my various 6, 7 and 8 mile runs over the past several weeks.  That variable is my iPod.  I think the music distracts me from thinking about my running and it keeps me from thinking about positive things that keep me going.

I'm ditching the iPod.  This week I'm running without it.  This coming Sunday when I line up for another 1/2 marathon in Schaumburg I'm going to be iPod free.  Hopefully this will help me get my mind and my muscles better synchronized.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My running ups and downs...

Only a few weeks after running the Shamrock Shuffle in 55 minutes (it was an 8K race in downtown Chicago) I was able to complete another 8K race (this time in Washington, DC) in 50 minutes.  I noticed that my runs were getting slightly faster even though I didn't necessarily set out to make faster times.

I chalked it up to improving fitness and to the fact that I'm getting better at running.  I ran with a friend from the office after work during a business trip to Springfield, Illinois and we ran approximately 6.8 miles at just under 11 minute miles (my usual M.O. has been to run the longer distances at about 12 min/mile).  At home I ran 8 miles at a pace of 11 min 30 sec (again, slower then my 8K times but faster than my usual for longer distances).

Since then I've been having aches and pains in my right ankle and the area just above my right ankle.  That plus all the rain and cold have kept me off the road and on a treadmill.  While the lessened impact from running on the treadmill is good, I can't seem to get myself to run longer distance on the treadmill.  I get bored very quickly.

Today I went out and ran 9 miles.  It was run at a slow 12min/mile pace.  It was a hard 9 miles.  Right from the start my knees and my ankle felt achy/sore.  Those pains receded into the background as I finished a few miles but then my legs just started getting heavy and I really struggled through the last 3 miles.

I was surprised that I started feeling so stiff at mile 6 since I've covered 8 miles a few times this year and on neither of those occasions did I feel as tired even in the last stretch as I did today in a much earlier point in my run.  I was disappointed with the way I ran.

Thankfully I went out with a small bottle of water.  That turned out to be a lifesaver because today it was sunny and about 70 degrees out.  Without the water I would have been hurting even more.

I've got a 1/2 marathon on 5/15.  I'm 4 miles short and I frankly don't know how I'm going to be able to finish the race if I feel as bad then as I did today!

I need to hydrate better and I need to ditch the iPod.  I ran with the iPod again today and I'm fairly certain that it contributed to my lack of focus on today's run.

I need to get some good running in on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and then give my legs plenty of rest on Friday and Saturday in the coming week.  I'm going to take it easy tomorrow (Monday) as far as running is concern (if Saturday's weight training doesn't catch up with me tomorrow I'll probably lift again).

One positive is that, as of the end of April, I am 8 or so miles ahead of schedule towards my goal of hitting 600 miles run this year.  I may have the ability to hit 650 miles this year.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gout: a lingering ailment caused by genes & years of neglect

I was riding high through last Saturday (4/16).  I was feeling great.  My running was going well.  Through that Saturday I completed 12 miles and was going to do another 4 on Sunday.  When I woke up on Sunday, however, my right ankle was hurting too much for me to run.

Now it's Tuesday evening and my ankle still hurts.  It's not a sprain or a strain.  It's gout.  Damn.

Gout is a form of arthritis.  My father and my brother both suffer from it.  I have it too, but it's been over a year since my last gout attack and I was sure that with the significant weight loss and better/healthier eating habits, this particular ailment was a thing of the past.

Apparently not.

I can tell from the pain that it's gout.  First, it's in the same ankle it's always attacked (for 13 + years my gout has always acted up in my right ankle).  It's a hot, burning, achy feeling in the joint area.  It does not feel like a sprain or a strain.

This really sucks.  I'm going out to DC this weekend to meet friends and to run in an 8K.  I've got a half marathon in less than a month and I'm way behind my training schedule for that race.  I needed to be able to do a long run of 8 miles this week at least a few days before Saturday.  That doesn't look like it's going to happen now.

It's my fault.  First, I neglected my health for so long (even in my youth when I was working out a lot, there were plenty of excesses in my diet) that some of the damage to my body was bound to be irreversible.  Second, even now, I've been derelict in staying well hydrated and well rested and I'm eating way too much red meat.  These are all contributing factors to gout attacks.

I've been reminded.  This gout attack, although mild relative to some of the attacks I've had (I literally had to be on crutches in the past when I had gout attacks), has startled me back to reality.  I'm going to tighten up my regimen further.  That tighter regimen will include more chicken and fish and a lot less red meat.  I'm going to drink more water.  The sleep/rest issue will be the one area that is going to be hard.  I can't get everything I am responsible for doing each day completed and still get 7 or 8 hours of sleep.

The pain today is less than yesterday.  Maybe by tomorrow night I'll be able to head out for a short run and then on Thursday I can try for 8 miles.  I hope so...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

"Racing" season has begun - Shamrock Shuffle 8K this morning

"Racing" season begins today.  I saying "racing" because what I do is not really racing.  I participate.

Anyhow, today is the first race of 2011 for me.  This morning I'll be running in the Shamrock Shuffle 8K in downtown Chicago.  There are supposed to be 30,000 runners.  That's the main reason I signed up for this run.  I wanted to experience a big race.

My goal for today is very easy: finish without running in 60 minutes or less.  That's totally doable.  I can run 5 miles in 60 minutes.  I've done it this year in training.  If there is a challenge today it will be maintaining a good pace.  I may start slower because of the crowds and I may prematurely speed up and try to run too fast because of the faster runners in the crowd.

I'm taking my ipod but I'm going to keep it off for the first 1/2 to 1 mile.  I'll turn it on a bit later.  I will posts my reactions and some pics shortly after the race!

Now it's time to get ready and then it's off to the race (sort of)!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I'm racking up miles and slowly dropping some weight!

I haven't been as active this year on this blog but it's not because I'm not working out.  I'm actually doing alright with the work outs.  The weight training is off by a lot but the running is right on track.

My goal for 2011 is to run three half marathon races and to log a total of 600 miles.  I'm on track to achieve the 600 miles/year goal.  I've signed up for 2 half marathons already with the first one coming up on May 15th.  After today's 5 mile run outside I have a total of 133.75 miles completed!

This is year 2 of running and fitness for me.  My three outdoor runs (1 mile, 2.5 miles and now 5.0 miles) all felt great, but I'm trying to be extra cautious about over-doing it.  I absolutely love the feeling I get when I run and when I finish my run.  I don't want to jeopardize that in any way.  I've noticed that a 12 minute mile pace is my default/easy pace now.  Last year it was 13 minute miles.  I'm okay with that as training pace.

I looked at my times from 5K races last year and was surprised to see that I was doing just a little over 10 minute miles in April and May 2010.  I'm not sure I can sustain that pace for an additional 10 miles and I'm not going to try too hard to do it.

It's not about being a wimp or unambitious.  I'm in my early 40s and I just got back into fitness after about a decade of extremely unhealthy living (no exercise, extreme eating, massive weight gain).  God-Willing I will continue on my fitness journey the rest of my life, and again, God-Willing, that should be at least another quarter century or more.  I've got plenty of time to slowly build up.  In fact, my wife was telling me about a patient of hers who is 70 years old, runs half marathons and does them at a 9 minute/mile pace.  She said he's all muscle.  This guy's life and lifestyle are things I'd like to shoot for, and that's what my training is more focused on.  I want to improve my quality of life right now and into the future.  Being sidelined with boneheaded injuries doesn't help.

My weight training is dead.  I haven't lifted weights in about 1 month!  I need to develop a short, heavy, 3 day a week routine and stick to it.  I'm going to work on that and start is very soon.

I'm trying to get myself down to 180 lbs.  I'd like to get down to that weight ASAP.  Why?  Because sooner is better than later.

I'm relying on protein drinks, reduced sugar protein bars, lean meats, eggs and green veggies.  I was using skim milk to make my protein shakes but a friend of mine (thanks G.S.!!!) alerted me to unsweetened Almond Milk.  It really is very good!  It's low cal, low sugar and low carb.  Yes, skim milk is very low in calories but this is still 1/2 the calories of skim milk.  Almond milk also has very low carbs and sugar (whereas milk has a bunch).  The only thing almond milk lacks is protein, but since I'm using it to make a protein shake it doesn't matter.  Good find (again, thanks G.S.!!!).

My diet relies a lot on protein supplements but that's only because of time.  If I had the time to cook I'd eat more real food but that's simply not an option right now.  Also, it's very predictable and it takes the edge off of trying to find something tasty to eat.  Just pour, add, shake and consume.  Simple.

Anyhow, it's March 19, 2011 and we're nearing the end of the first quarter of 2011!  Amazing.  Tomorrow is the first day of Spring!  Outstanding.  This year is shaping up even better than 2010 and I'm on track to keep the healthy living trend going!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Running Outside - It's Finally Back!

I went outside for a 2.5 mile run yesterday after work, and I felt great! It's been about 3.5 months of treadmill running (I did get out a few weeks ago for a 1 miler), so to actually be moving as I ran was refreshing!

I let myself run at a relaxed pace of 12 min/mile. I finished in 30 minutes and 6 seconds. I followed up the roadwork with a 1 mile run on the treadmill and then 10 minutes on the stationary bike.

My first "race" is the Shamrock Shuffle 8K on April 10 followed by another 8K in Washington, DC on April 23. I have a half marathon scheduled for May 15.

I'll shoot for 5 miles outside this weekend. this year I'm going to try adding miles weekly by supplementing the roadwork with extra treadmill miles.

Now it's time to clean up the diet as well. I'm looking forward to a very productive year!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Friday, February 25, 2011

Snacking on the train ride home

It took all the will power I had make it through Union Station today without faltering.

Descending the first flight of stairs from Adams Street I first confronted Mrs. Fields. Oh that lovely entrepreneur is really quite wicked! The comforting aroma of warm cookies was ever-present at that particular spot. I knew precisely where those delicious but deadly treats were but I turned to look just the same. And when I did I saw a display case loaded with white chocolate macadamia nut cookies and the chocolate chocolate chip cookies and the sugar cookies.

"Keep walking" I said to myself while I battled the irrational fear that I might never again have the chance to sink my teeth into a warm, moist and chocolatey cookie. I made it! I've made past the cookie shop!

But wait! Oh no! It's McDonald's! I love McDonald's! I ate a McDonald's hamburger the day I arrived in America some 37 years ago and my fat cells have been kept stuffed ever since.

At McD's its the big color pictures of cheesy, beefy $1 burgers that attack my senses. "Oh man, what a deal!" I think to myself, "For $3.33 I can get full on 3 McDoubles!"

No!! I willed my legs to keep turning over, on foot in front of the other, and down the stairs. I made a deal with myself right then and there: "go down to the train level and if the train isn't at the gate then the McDoubles are mine!"

The train wasn't on track 9 where it was expected, but by now the temptation had waned. Phew! I made it through Union Station without stuffing myself with sugars, salt, fat and carbs. Damn, that was hard!

Once I got on the train my mind wandered to dinner! Where can we go for dinner tonight?

That's when I knew I had to pull out the protein bar. Mmmmmmm. Chewy. Sweet. Yum! It's amazing how absolutely appetizing and delicious a protein bar tastes when you're genuinely, truly hungry.

Peace. Finally, I had peace. No more fixating over food. I could finally think more objectively about dinner and not need to constantly fight off the urge to stop at every McD's, Burger King and Wendy's between my train station and my house (I'm not joking - it's an ongoing dialogue in my head)!

Eating healthy is tough and then cutting back calories to lose weight makes it even worse!

Patience! There will be a time and a place for the cookies and the burgers. They are not banished forever. They're just on hold until I drop 25 pounds.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A moment of weakness... Aaaargh!

I'm visiting family this weekend and in a moment of boredom, hunger, a strong desire to not eat super spicy Hyderabadi Nihari for a second time in one day, I succumbed to Wendy's charms....

Okay, take it easy people. I'm talking about Wendy's restaurant. I sneaked out to "pick up some milk" last night and while I was out I grabbed some dinner.

I had the #2 extra-value meal - a double cheese burger, small fries and a diet coke.

And that prompted me to set up my "blog by phone" mechanism. Maybe the thought of publicly shaming myself will deter me in the future.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, February 7, 2011

Diet diet diet! I need to re-focus!

My diet has been absolutely horrible.

Trying to be moderate is actually harder than being really strict.  It's probably a psychological thing.  Eating a cookie or having a few chips or eating rice are invitations to disaster.  So, I'm turning back to my more extreme eating methods.

One thing I'm going to try is eating the same or similar meals everyday.  It's not as hard as one might think. The trick is to re-frame food as fuel and not as a source of pleasure.

This isn't to say that taste doesn't matter, because it does.  If the fuel (food) tastes bad then it becomes torture.  So, it needs to be moderately tasty even as it is viewed as fuel.

I'm also falling back on my protein shakes.  So many people I've met think its junk.  My response is simple - you can't argue with my results.  When I add protein drinks in place of some meals I get results.  I lose weight, I get stronger and my running is solid.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy 1 Year Anniversary! I've been at it for a full year and I'm still committed!

I started my journey to "get strong" after 40 one year ago.  At this time last year I weighed 260 pounds.  I was achy and sluggish.  Running - even on a treadmill - for any period of time was hard.  One year later and I've changed a lot!

I'm happy to report that over the past year I've lost about 55 pounds, I've run a half marathon and a whole bunch of shorter races, running 3 miles is an easy distance for me now, and I feel great!  It sounds so cliche I know, but gosh I wish I had done this years ago!

The best part of this journey, however, isn't about where I've been and what I've achieved so far.  Nope.  The best part is that I'm still excited and I'm still trying to reach new heights in my personal fitness quest.  I'm not ready to rest on my past accomplishments when I know I've got a lot more I can do!

Setting goals has been one of the keys to my success.  My second year of "getting strong" then will necessarily have a bunch of them to keep me fired up.

But before I share any of the goals I want to make one thing very clear.  All of this effort is about more than just a vanity trip.  Seriously, I'm not deluded enough to think that running an 11 minute mile is impressive in the grand scheme of things.  I'm doing all of this because (1) I want what ever time I have left on Earth to be energized and active, (2) I want to teach my kids to be fit by living that lifestyle, and (3) a healthy body is an integral aspect of being a spiritually whole person.

Okay, so now we move on to the goals!  Goal # 1 is to run 3 half marathons in 2011!  The first half marathon I've signed myself up for is on May 15th, the second one is on July 23rd and the third one is on September 11th.

Running 13.1 miles last November was hard, but it was also invigorating!  It was a distance that really pushed my body to its limits in a way that the 5Ks and 10Ks I had done prior never did.  The half marathon forced me to add miles to may weekly training regimen and got me running outside on the street and in the forest preserves.  I could do all of my training for the shorter races on a treadmill but I felt compelled to hit the pavement in preparation for the half marathon.

I trained for about 9 weeks for my first half marathon.  It took me about 2 weeks to fully recover afterwards.  Given the amount of prep and recovery time involved, I want to try to do more this year.  I know I can do 2 halfs in one year and that's why I chose 3 as my goal.

Goal # 2 is to drop down to 185 pounds by September 11, 2011.  That is the day of my third half marathon.  It's a special race.  I'm running that half marathon with friends from literally all phases of my life - people from high school, college and from my professional life and we're running it on the tenth anniversary of 9/11 to raise money and awareness for the reintegration of wounded U.S. veterans returning from war (we'll be running as Team Red White and Blue which is a charity based in Ann Arbor, MI).  Because its a special race with a special group of people at a time that will be quite solemn for us all, I want to be in the best shape possible.  Being lean is a critical component of being in great shape!

Goal # 3 is to run a total of 600 miles in 2011.  Even with races on the horizon it can be very easy to miss runs.  Since I don't run for time, once I build up a certain level of stamina, I can skimp on my training and still survive the races.  The solution?  Set a big enough aggregate goal for the year to keep me focused month to month.

To cover 600 miles in one year, however, requires that I run about 50 miles per month.  I need to cover 150 miles per quarter, and so on.  This keeps me going day to day.  When I miss a few workouts, I know that I'm falling behind in my miles.  But for the 600 mile goal those missed miles wouldn't really be missed.

So that's it for now!  I've got 3 big fitness goals for 2011!  Of course I'll running in other races (Shamrock Shuffle 8K on 4/10 in Chi-town, Race to End the Silence 8K on 4/23 in DC and Race Judicata 5K in Chi-town sometime in July) and I'll be lifting weights and all that other good stuff too!

Wish me luck and I'll keep you posted!

Friday, January 21, 2011

I want to be lean and mean... Not skinny and weird

This isn't sour grapes.  Really.

I do want to be lean and mean (Grrrr!  Eye of the tiger baby!!!).  I want to get down to a very healthy and athletic body weight and be strong.  I want to look good.  But this photo in the New York Times about Paris mens' fashion isn't what I have in mind:

I know my arm is bigger than one of the pant legs on this guy's trousers (well, I am making the assumption that he has some on), but that doesn't mean I'm jealous.

I like Levi's jeans, Nike and Reebok sports shirts, hoodies and cotton shirts.  But just for giggles it would be fun to special order a XXXL version of this guy's outfit and wear it to work one day.  Of course that would cost about a month's pay to afford it!

This fella's get-up just looks weird to me.


P.S.  I'm not even going to comment on the hair!  That would be sour grapes!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

3 Day Weekend (MLK Day) Means 2-A-Day Workouts!

I have Saturday, Sunday and Monday off.  This is a perfect time to get some strong workouts in!  I'm going to try to do 2-A-day workouts in all three days.

Up first on a Saturday afternoon - a 4 mile treadmill run!

***UPDATE # 1 | 7:38 PM***

I ran 4 miles this afternoon on my treadmill.  It felt good.  I still need to squeeze in workout #2!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Slow start to a 600 mile year

I am going to run at least 600 miles in 2011.  That is one of my goals for 2011.  I expect to hit this goal.  I might even exceed it.  But alas the start has been painfully slow.

In fact the end of 2010 seems to have bled into 2011 with bad eating and a lack of motivation.  It's all mental.  The lack of some significant short term goals is making it too easy to slack off.

Thankfully the slacking is generating so much angst that I constantly feel uncomfortable.  This, in turn, is forcing me back on track.

Consider me back on track!

I've formally signed up for 2 8K races - the Shamrock Shuffle (4/10/11 in Chicago, IL) and the Race to Stop the Silence (4/23/10 in Washington, DC).  I still need to pick a half marathon for the summer.

I need to run a half marathon in either June or July.  I'll be fasting for the month of Ramadan all of August but I've got the 9/11/11 Chicago half marathon about 2 weeks after I finish the month of daily fasting.  If I can do a half marathon in late July just before Ramadan then I can use the 4 weeks to recover and still maintain my stamina for the next half marathon (or so I think).

It feels a lot better to have races lined up.  Hey, whatever works!